Winner of the ‘15 Wildfire National Playwriting Competition. Semi-finalist for the ‘15 NNPN New Play Showcase. Shortlisted for the ‘16 APN 50th Anniversary Alberta Playwriting Competition and the ’17 Herman Voaden National Playwriting Competition.
6 actors. Run time of approximately 75 minutes.
For 17-year old intersex Aaron, the new school year means a new chance at life. For Pina, another shot at head cheerleader. For Mark, open season. A stranger intersects with a family in exile from itself. Parents Paul and Carol struggle to keep secrets from their children, desperate to know the truth. Like a surgeon’s knife before a first incision, the scalpel is poised and ready to slice.

Production History
Workshop Production in 2015 as part of the National Theatre School of Canada’s New Words Festival, directed by Andrea Donaldson. Developed as part of the ’15 MFA Playwrights’ Workshop presented by the National New Play Network and Kennedy Centre in Washington, DC.
2018 Production, produced by Tiny Bear Jaws
Written and produced by Elena Belyea
Directed by Vanessa Sabourin
Stage Managed by Lisa Dalmazzi
Assistant Stage Managed by Erin Hayes
Performed by Jordan Fowlie, Dave Horak, Emma Houghton, Natasha Napoleao, Elena Porter, Luc Tellier
Produced, Sound Desiged, Production Managed by Tori Morrison
Assistant Direction by Sydney Campbell
Technical Direction by Marc Lavallée
Dramaturgy by Emma Tibaldo
Assistant Produced by Ashleigh Hicks
Production Design by Liza Xenzova
Assistants to the Production Designer: Sarah Karpyshin and Caro Varensburg
Additional consulting by Aaron Witherspoon
Poster design by Meags Fitzgerald
Selected Press
“As the Tiny Bear Jaws canon confirms, Belyea is a deft hand at funny, staccato, overlapping dialogue.” - Liz Nicholls ( | Full review here.
”Expert playwright, Belyea pairs tricky topics with side-splitting humour. … A cathartic experience.” - The Gateway | Full review here.
Archival and promotional photos from the Tiny Bear Jaws production, taken by Mat Simpson.